Course Descriptions

OSHA 10 Hour & OSHA 30 Hour
Construction work is one the most hazardous of all occupations. Four (4) construction workers a day die on the job in this country. Tens of thousands more are injured each year. Thousands more will experience debilitating illnesses later in life from exposure to work-related hazardous materials that appeared harmless. Many of these individuals will never recover and will eventually succumb to a work-related disease.
The mission of the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) is to assure the safety and health of America's workers by setting and enforcing standards through education and training.
NOTE: New OSHA regulations state that you must have a minimum of three students per class, and, classes can be no longer than 7.5 hours per day.
(See schedule for locations, dates and times.)
Steward Training
As a steward for the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC) Local #15 Union, you have a unique and vital role to perform in keeping our Union strong. You are the Union representative most accessible to the members. Your relationship with the members will, in large part, determine their image of the Union. How you handle your responsibilities, how you respond to the worker's problems, how you portray the Union's programs, how conscientious you are in enforcing the contract, will all reflect on the image and strength of the Union.
The job of the steward is a difficult and demanding one, requiring many diverse skills and a store of good common sense. Most of your education will take place on the job. Your everyday experience in resolving problems in the workplace and your ongoing involvement in Union activities, more than anything else, will teach you how to conduct yourself most effectively.
It is a difficult job often involving long hours of seemingly thankless tasks, but it can be rewarding because every accomplishment is a gain for your fellow workers. The satisfaction comes in knowing that you have done your best to build and strengthen your Union and have helped to maintain the best possible working conditions for your Brothers and Sisters.
The Bricklayer's and Allied Craftworkers (BAC) Local # 15 Training Department offers a 66-hour welding course. You will learn to weld in all positions (flat, vertical, and overhead). There is some class time but mostly you will be in the shop area welding. The goal is to get you proficient enough in your welding skills to earn your welding certification.
The Training Department will supply the welding electrodes, steel and safety glasses. Students must supply welding helmet, welding gloves, welding jacket, and chipping hammer. Students can buy their own equipment or can purchase the equipment from the Training Department. Welding Certifications are done at our facility.
Blue Print Reading
This course is a Masonry specific blue print reading class. It is designed for both the inexperienced as well as those who have experience. Weather you are interested in becoming a supervisor or just want to improve your skills to be more marketable and have the ability to do layout work, this course will get you on your way. This course will cover the architectural and structural drawings as well as steel, bar joist, reinforcing steel, and other shop drawings related to Masonry.
Grout & Reinforced Masonry Certification
Designers are increasingly specifying certification in grouting and reinforced masonry. When Owners, Architects, Engineers, and General Contractors award a project to a BAC Masonry Contractor they will know that the reinforcing and grouting will be done by trained and certified craftsman.
Anti-Harassment Training
Harassment in the workplace has a negative effect on all workers, resulting in decreased preformance, lowered morale and an increase in turnover. Harassment against apprentices of applicants for apprenticeship programs because of certain characteristics- including their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, and genetic information- may also be against the law. Apprentices recieve 1 hour of anti-harassment training every year.
- Apprentice supervisors
- Foremen and women
- Journeyworkers
- Other employees regularly working alongside apprentices, including managment and administrative personnel.